Season’s Turning & Life’s Churning at Dreaming Stone Arts and Ecology Center

Here’s your dose of Dreaming Stone goodness…

Spirit Surges Amidst the Storms!

pics above by Tim Nafziger

We have been active this summer!
Lots of sweet reports and reflections below.
But first, we direct your attention toward the upcoming!
Please consider joining us for any of the following…

Healing Haunted Histories 
Oct 22nd & 23rd

with Elaine Enns & Ched Myers

A few spots are remaining for this 2 day deep dive into the work of decolonizing our discipleship journey. Come, share your story, join the song and help heal the community! Get more info or Register Now
In the tradition of All Souls Day and Dia de los Muertos, we create beauty and ritual to honor those we have lost. Creative offerings and reflections will frame an open space for folks to share about deceased loved ones, ancestors and movement heroes. Please RSVP to get event details.
A water themed bible study begins at 9am, then we migrate to a place on the land for some raucous worship. Join us as we seek sacred insight through communion with our watersheds! Space is limited. Please register!
Propagation Power
Nov 20th

skillbuilding workshop & storysharing
with Jonathan McRay
of Silver Run Forest Farm

Learn about ways to propagate nurseries that can support livelihood, subsistence, and sharing. Also, we will conspire about how ecological restoration is part of restorative justice. Register for the event here.

The summer was brimming with creativity, community, and labors of love for place!
Mural arts are in full effect.

The Dreaming Stone “Mothership” has been christened by the stunning art of Eli Sanchez. These gorgeous pollinators officially make us an Arts and Ecology Center! Passion flowers grow wild on our land and insist upon scaling the porch of the mothership. Hummingbird visits always stir gratitude and wonder. Additionally, Eli completed 3 mini-murals in our bathwing – creatures from the watershed which assist our effort to educate about place and reflect on the health of the soils and streams.
Eli is so talented! We are glad that she is still doing murals while also studying ceramics, creating exquisite tattoos and developing various crafts. Keep your eyes on her work and enjoy the beauty that she births!

We pulled off a reunion!
Carnival de Resistance magic is still alive!

Carnivalistas (crew members for the Carnival de Resistance) gathered from near and far. All who made it, made it! (All who didn’t, we missed you!) Our collective precautions kept us safe and Covid free. We delighted in shared time and space. Many joined and helped with workprojects. Many more came for forest galavanting, river floating, feasting, singing and celebrating our bonds! Reacquainted with the power of gatherings, the purpose of Dreaming Stone came into bold relief. 
Sustain us with your support!
The immensity of suffering and trauma within the world at this time is perpetually in our prayers and on our radar. We are so grateful to be building a space where resilience and connection can be forged and fortified. It is an honor to have you on this journey with us and we hope that the gifts of this place-based work will radiate out and provide hope and inspiration in your community. Blessing on your self care and your community building!

Tevyn East
Executive Director,
Dreaming Stone Arts and Ecology Center
Co-founder, Holy Fool Arts and the Carnival de Resistance


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