The Joy of Salsa
This class covers the fundamentals of Salsa and gets you moving with your partner with a deeper understanding of each other, yourselves, and the dance! Come explore the dynamics of push and pull that emerge from the playful dialogue between leading and following. Learn to generate presence and clarity of movement while discovering the freedom of relinquishing to the rhythm of the clave. We will touch in on the principles of movement and how you can dance for, with, and against your partner in order to create more dynamic dance experiences.
You will learn specific steps and patterns that will help you feel more confident on the dance floor while developing your expressive potential.
This course will help you find a sense of ease in your dancing and the pleasure of feeling alive in your body. Come animate your soul with this beginner to intermediate level class, and experience The Joy of Salsa!
What to expect:
15 min: Warm up/Open dancing
45 min: Lesson, practice and switching partners
30 min: Open dancing (Put those new dance steps to work!)
A partner is encouraged but not necessary. We will, however, rotate dance partners so be prepared to dance with everyone!
Drop ins are welcome, though you draw greater benefit from regular attendance.
Where do the salsa classes take place?