Building a foundation – literally!

Finding new rhythms! Flexing new muscles!

We’ve pulled up the anchor in Philadelphia and, with Spirit filling our sails, have made the journey to North Carolina. This newsletter provides some fun updates about our new lives here and a reminder of the upcoming Labor Day weekend work party! 

Where are we living? We’re in Rutherfordton, NC (about an hour southeast of Asheville). Our new mailing address is PO BOX 631 Rutherfordton, NC 28139.

What’s this work party? Well, we have work projects planned for Sat (Aug 31st) through Mon (Sept 2nd). Come for as long or as short as you like. Just give me a heads up, so we can send you details. Meals are provided, a few beds remain, though camping is unlimited! What are we doing? We’re building a yurt platform and (if ready hands are available) a grey water catchment & filtration system. 

We are a month into our land- based experiment called Dreaming Stone. Having just finalized the design plans for a community building, we plan to break ground in October. Presently, we are working to get Lady Turumba (our bus) operational as a home and to ready for the building of the yurt platform. We’re starting from scratch, so absolutely everything must be done – site clearing, road building, well digging, hook ups for temporary power, etc. Feeling under qualified for all the tasks at hand, we are thankful for the generously shared info about protocols that new neighbors are happy to offer. We are not in the city anymore, and you can feel it with the congenial waves between vehicle drivers or the total absence of wait times or bureaucratic red tape at the permit offices. At the same time, we are shedding our “big city” frenzied pace and learning about “country time”- we cannot will our way toward desired results, but rather, we must except our small place in the grand scheme of things and move forward as way and weather (God) permits!

Special Visits include – 

Joshua Grace helped us with our slightly harrowing moving process and then collaborated with us on our Wild Goose Festival offering. Such fun! Then Ched Myers, Chris Wight, John Parker, Chris Grataski and Rachel Summerlot came for a weekend of vision-casting and prayerful treks across Dreaming Stone; all providing fuel for the journey!

Animal sitings include – 

The great blue heron, a white egret, hawks, vultures, crows, a doe and two fawns (daily), the largest copperhead I could dream of seeing! Thousands of lizards, salamanders, butterflies and itty bitty frogs. One giant snapping turtle. Critters experienced – chiggers!

New skills and old skills remembered – 

Working with chain saws, seeding grass, hunting for salvaged materials, identifying trees, entertaining my mind without internet or cable, learning about the Broad River watershed, family history, and the lore and mythology of western North Carolina! (Pictured to the left are my great great grandparents Marcus O Dickerson II and Anne Twitty Dickerson who built a house in downtown Rutherfordton). 

Thanks for keeping us on your radar! If you are interested in lending a hand, but cannot make it this Labor Day weekend, there will be plenty of other opportunities. We can’t wait to share this you!

Blessing on your summer days!
Tevyn East
Director, Holy Fool Arts
Artistic Director, Carnival de Resistance
Copyright © 2022 Dreaming Stone Arts and Ecology Center, All rights reserved.


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