Tai Chi & Tea

A four session spring series… April 3rd, 10th, 24th & May 1st

Welcome Spring and the Pink Moon

with a taste of Tai Chi and Tea

Tai Chi is a soothing, slow moving way to work on balance, strength and mindfulness. Students will be led through traditional Tai Chi warm up exercises, designed to loosen the major joints of the body and relax the mind. The other goal of the class, will be to teach a short sequence of moves that will give participants something to take home and continue practicing.

As the full moon of April, often called Pink Moon in recognition of Phlox in bloom, will be in the middle of our time together, you will learn Magi’s Moon Form. This includes a series of movements that is the beginning few steps in one of the classic Tai Chi Form’s – Yang Style.

After the practice, you may enjoy locally sourced teas, social time, spring reflections, and solo or shared walks on the land. This event is outside. Please wear comfortable shoes and layers, so that you may regulate your own temperature.

This event is outdoors and is open to all and may include vaccinated and unvaccinated participants! If inclement weather is forecast, we will postpone the practice to an alternative rain date. Participants will be updated of such changes by email.

All participants must check that they accept our Covid Agreements.

COVID-19 Agreements for outdoor events

  • We stay home if we are presenting any of the known symptoms for COVID-19, or if we have a known or suspected exposure

  • Unless we have received approval from Dreaming Stone leadership, we do not enter the Mothership (for bathroom use) without a mask.

  • We advocate for ourselves during the event: we ask for space, wear a mask if we wish, and practice consent around proximity and physical touch

  • We agree to inform Dreaming Stone leadership if we show symptoms, or test positive, for COVID – 19 within a week of attending an event.


Apr 03 2022 - May 01 2022


The practice will last an hour- tea and social time will follow
4:30 pm - 6:00 pm


Magi King
Magi King

Magi’s background includes licenses as a massage therapist and a home-birth midwife (CPM). She holds two different certifications in both yoga and Tai Chi. The thread that weaves her lifetime of inquiry and study together, is her unwavering commitment to the concept of Holistic Health!


©2025 DSAEC Hand-crafted with ♥ by friends


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