Seasonal Underscore
The Underscore was described, graphically represented, and taught by Nancy Stark Smith, a co-creator and long-time Contact Improvisation teacher, seeking something beyond the “jam” that caters to individual experience. The Underscore is a structure for group improvisation that includes CI but expands our awareness of a shared journey and the innumerable connections that arise. Tevyn East, Director of Dreaming Stone, had the privilege to study with Nancy and sees this practice as a way to trigger and recognize “states of grace” and collective awareness.
Underscore Schedule:
1pm – Talk Through
2 pm – Underscore
5pm – closure and transition to potluck
The Talk Through is a critical part of the program, and we encourage all participants to attend.
Dreaming Stone is delighted to be a hub of study and practice, serving contact communities across NC, and the southeast, with our workshops and labs, and are eager to support opportunities for new and deepening connection.
Mark your calendars for future underscores and CI jams at Dreaming Stone – June 7th, Sept 20th, & Dec 6th.