Ritual of Remembrance – Nov 2nd
We gather, create beauty, and honor those we have lost.
Community Potluck at 6 pm.
Ritual starts at 7 pm.
This events marks a tridium of holy days includes Halloween (All Hallows Eve), All Souls Day, and All Saints Day, and marks the time of year when the veil is thin and we remember the dead, the saints, and the ancestors. Mexican festivities during Dia de los Muertos, which include elaborately decorated ofrendas (altars), show us that life is richer when we honor the dead. The ancient rites of Samhain, occurring this time of year, mark the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter.
The ritual will include songs and offerings from Saro Lynch, folklorist, song leader and song historian; who teaches old and new songs that connect us to the beliefs and struggles that shape human history, and that in turn, might enable us to build a more compassionate and just future. Also, there will be ample space for those gathered to share memories of deceased loved ones, stories of ancestors, or tributes to faith and movement heroes.
You are encouraged to bring a potluck dish, pictures of those you want to remember, and / or a treat to share that reminds you of your loved ones.