standing stones

Bearing Witness: A Blessing of the Stones on Memorial Day Weekend

On memorial day weekend, we re approach memory and time. Are humans the only ones with memory? If not, what might we learn about the memory that exists within the land, within the soil and stones? How have other cultures recognized the power of standing stones as guardians, gatekeepers and repositories for our collective stories? What stories do we want to leave in our wake, when we become part of the soil?


4 – 5:30 – Teaching Time with Dr James W Perkinson

6 – Potluck Community Dinner

7 – Community Ritual – Dedicating the Stones at the center of our future perennial garden.

8 till late – Open Hang / Fire / Music (weather permitting)


Wear sturdy shoes. Bring a chair and sun protection. Bring a dish if you are able. Fridge space is available.


May 29 2022


Come for any part of the day that suits you
4:30 pm - 10:30 pm


Jim Perkinson
Jim Perkinson

Dr. Jim Perkinson is a long-time activist and educator from inner city Detroit, where he has a history of involvement in various community development initiatives and low-income housing projects. He holds a PhD in theology from the University of Chicago, with a secondary focus on history of religions, is the author of "White Theology: Outing Supremacy in Modernity" and "Political Spirituality in an Age of Eco-Apocalypse: Communication and Struggle Across Species, Cultures, and Religions" and others. He has written extensively in both academic and popular journals on questions of race, class and colonialism in connection with religion and urban culture. He is in demand as a speaker on a wide variety of topics related to his interests and a recognized artist on the spoken-word poetry scene in the inner city.


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