Dreaming Stone CI Lab-and-Play

for Experienced Dancers

SEPT 4TH – 8TH, 2024

A 5-day retreat in the mountains of North Carolina focusing on collaborative research and play among experienced CI dancers, time to relax by and in the river, and connecting over delicious meals.

Dreaming Stone is a NEW retreat and arts center in the mountains of North Carolina founded by long-time CI dancer, performance artist, and activist, Tevyn East. 


We see this Experienced Dancers Retreat as the *LAUNCH* and *CELEBRATION* of Dreaming Stone as a new home for CI practice and research in the United States.  Joining institutions like Earthdance in Western Massachusetts and The Field Center in Vermont as a home for residential CI, arts, activism and related events, Dreaming Stone also embodies a strong commitment to restorative justice and permaculture programming, year-round programming for the local community, and interfacing with issues unique to the Southern United States and Appalachia.  Dreaming Stone features a large round studio with windows on all sides, beautiful common areas for cooking, eating, and connecting, and is the steward of 50+ acres of land, including a swimmable river with rocks for lounging~ very inviting during this late-summer time of the year!


Participants will arrive in the afternoon or evening on Wednesday September 4th to settle in, have dinner, and enjoy an opening jam.  The event will end after lunch on Sunday September 8th in time to leave for travel.  Thursday through Saturday are the meat of the program, with space for early morning practice (Authentic Movement, Contemplative Dance Practice, etc), morning and afternoon labs, and evenings jams. 

Attendees can apply in advance to facilitate a lab based on their current interests and the organizers will curate a balanced program of offerings.  We will reserve open space in the schedule for emergent ideas.  Though there is only one large dance space, it will be possible to have co-occurring movement offerings outdoors (in the river?!?!) and discussions in the library/living room space.  All sessions are optional and skipping out on some scheduled events to nap, spend time by the river, or connect with new and old friends is very welcome.


  • Competency in higher-level technical CI skills.  Not necessarily flashy or hyper-athletic skills, but certainly a sense of nuance, safety, and experimentation which comes from many years of dedicated practice.
  • A current, committed, and regular CI practice. 
  • Many years (5+) of experience studying with respected teachers and participating in CI events, jams and retreats. 
  • Passionate about the history, culture, and future of CI. 
  • Perhaps significant experience teaching. 
  • Able to maintain community relationships over time via excellent practices around consent and communication.   
  • Able to collaborate effectively with peers in a labbing context.


  • We ask that everyone arrive on Wednesday and stay through Sunday if at all possible.  If you have a need to attend for a shorter period of time, let us know.  We are not able to offer discounts for partial attendance.  


All meals and snacks are provided and we can accommodate your dietary preferences.  Abundant, locally sourced, and delicious!


There are guest bedrooms in the main house, additional residential spaces on the land, and plenty of space and utilities for campers. Camping is included in the general costs. If you want a bed, you can save money by sharing a room with another, or pay more for a private space. If you would like to stay nearby, we can equip you with additional local options.


We are offering a three tiered sliding scale pricing system to facilitate accessibility.  Please pay the highest amount you can afford.   

Suggested $650.00

Choose this option if you are financially stable (for instance, you have savings and budget for extracurricular activities or travel). This option covers event expenses and labor.

Sustaining $950.00

Choose this option if you are financially well-off (for instance, if you have received significant generational wealth/inheritance, you own your home and have savings). This option supports lower registration fees for those who need it and makes the event possible. 

Supported $400.00

Choose this option if you wouldn’t otherwise be able to attend (for instance, if you live paycheck to paycheck despite working full time). This amount does not fully cover the expense of the event. 

If you’d like to come but cannot afford the lowest price tier, please reach out for a further discount or check out the work-trade options.


  • There is work-trade available for:
    • Lab/class facilitation.
    • Extra kitchen support & care of facilities
    • Other options on a case-by-case basis for things like photography and video documentation, childcare, etc.  


If you would like to come, please fill out the application here!

Rolling Applications

Applications are due by Monday, July 29th.  Please apply as soon as you can. It’s helpful for us to hear from you earlier especially if you are in need of work-trade or would like indoor accommodations.

To secure your spot please register and pay at least 50% of your total amount ASAP.   Registration and full payment must be completed by August 7th at the latest (though the event may fill well before then). 

    ©2024 DSAEC Hand-crafted with ♥ by friends


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